Monday, January 26, 2009

Minutes of January 9th , 2009

Twenty men, including three guests; Peter Pulpan, Adam Pulpan and Jerry Jutras gathered for a meal prepared by Richard Parker and Keith-Jean-Marie. The Secretary called the meeting to order at 8:15 PM. The membership and guests were welcomed and the supper committee were thanked for their satisfying ham dinner. The secretary read the objects of the club and the minutes of the December meeting. A motion to accept the minutes with noted corrections was moved by Richard Parker, seconded by Mike Hasen and carried.

Treasurer’ Report
Treasurer Jay Brown, reported an opening balance of $1348.45, and showed in his report that there were profits from the November and December meeting totalling $86.75 Additionally there was an anonymous donation of $100. When other adjustments from dues (payment from 3 men), dish washing expenses and interest are calculated, a working balance of $1609.59 remains in the account. A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as given was moved by John Parker, seconded by Mike Hasen and carried.

New / Other Business

Item #1: Son Ladies night – Don Barber has submitted a script that is being considered for this year's entertainment.

Item #2: The President will be consulting with a potential speaker for Son's Ladies Night and confirmed the next to meeting dates set for Friday Feb 13 and Friday March 13.

Item #3: School Gift not yet determined but Jeremy Irwin will discuss options with Jay Brown and Patrick Horigan prior to next meeting

Upon confirmation, there was no other business, or business arising from the meeting, Patrick Horigan then introduced the guest speaker of the evening, Mr. Adam Pulpan. Mr. Adam Pulpan obtained an undergraduate degree in Physical Geography and subsequently earned his Masters in Education. He is currently working on his PHD in Intergenerational Studies. Mr. A. Pulpan presented a paper entitled. "Intergenerational Learning Program for Community and Character Development".

The Main Event.

Mr A. Pulpan currently teaches this program at Bloordale Middle School. Bloordale was selected because of location and its multicultural appeal. Mr. A. Pulpan shared some intergenerational observations made during his time living in Nunavut. In the Inuit Culture, elders are important as they are a tie in to the past traditions and old way of life. Elders are a living resource, full of knowledge, culture and wisdom. They are part and parcel of everyday family life and they provide stability and interest to the younger generation. At one Inuit school the children are taught how to preserve their culture and nomadic way of life. Some children participate in the animal hide preservation and the stuffing of a Polar Bear while others learn how to build durable and practical kayaks. These activities were led by the elders who come into the school to teach life skills. Inuit children love the outdoors and find magic and learning in the simplest of God's creation.

Mr. Adam Pulpan explained that our modern society has introduced the intergenerational gap to the Inuit who lived in harmony and cooperation previous. This Gap happened over time in our culture but with Inuit culture change took place overnight. Still, the Inuit people are resistant to this unwanted change. How often do we speak to grand parents? Who are our role models ? Chances are we visit with our grand parents once a month and our role models are celebrities on TV. In Inuit life, the society values the grand Parents and the role they play in shaping the younger generation. The intergenerational contact between young and old help to provide positive benefits to both groups.

Mr Adam Pulpan showed that at Bloordale Middle School students enjoys the Intergenerational Learning Program (ILP) and actually look forward to the dates when seniors come in and are disappointed when seniors are absent. Students are reportedly saying "I feel more knowledgeable, my senior taught me a lot" Students and Seniors participate in numerous fun activities that promote teamwork and cooperation. The Frozen-T-Shirt is an "Ice Breaker" exercise where folded t-shirts are saturated with water and then frozen. Each team is given one frozen shirt to unfold and wear. The first team to thaw and successfully put on the t-shirt wins! Another fun exercise is the Balloon Olympics. In this exercise, both young and old compete in teams to score the highest points balloon bouncing. The team that make the greatest number of bounces in five minutes wins. Another activity is story writing. Students are asked to write stories of what they have learned from their senior partner and stories about themselves. Mr. Adam Pulpan observed that the stories of the senior partners were often longer and more detailed than the stories of the student autobiography. John Parker who participated in this study, expressed his delight in "working with the kids" and how useful and enjoyable the exercise has been. John says - "It is a treat to have the kids hold the door open for you. This Intergenerational contact is a very useful thing"

Mr. Adam Pulpan concluded that the Intergenerational Learning Program process
is working really well. Both students and seniors make positive contributions to each other. They enjoy the time spent learning and sharing together. So far at 50% completion, the progress is better than expected and the work and experience is quite gratifying. Based upon the success at Bloordale with some government funding, Mr. Adam Pulpan hopes to expand this program to more schools in the coming year.

Mr. Adam Pulpan answered many questions and made additional commentary on his presentation. Patrick Horigan thanked Mr. Adam Pulpan for his presentation. The membership responded with a round of applause. The meeting drew to a conclusion at 10:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted
John Reid.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Minutes of December 12, 2008

Twenty eight men gathered for the annual Sons Christmas Turkey Supper prepared by Lee Horigan, Jay Brown and Bill Powell. The meal consisted of the traditional roasted turkey done to perfection, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy and other fixings. For desert, there was a choice of apple or mince pies. As in past December meetings, the business portion was deferred until January. Patrick thanked the supper committee and the membership responded with a round of applause. In keeping with the Christmas tradition, President Patrick Horigan read two inspiring short stories. One was written by Gary Paulson entitled “My Name is Ike” and the second by Stewart McLean entitled “Christmas at the Turlington’s” Following the reading and at the President’s request the Sons participated in a round of carol singing. The Sons sang merrily without musical accompaniment various Christmas carols in harmony. The meeting concluded on a high note with visiting and good fellowship.

Respectfully submitted
John Reid.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Minutes of November 14, 2008

Twenty men including three guests – Greg Cresswell, Bob Anderson and Tom Bradfield gathered for a meal prepared by John Parker and Roger Schnarr. The president called the meeting to order at 8:10 PM. The membership and guests were welcomed and the supper committee was thanked for their culinary efforts and expertise. The secretary read the objects of the club but did not read the minutes of the October meeting as they were circulated via email. Don Barber suggested that the minutes should be circulated to the membership sooner. A one day notice in advance of the meeting doesn’t allow for enough time to read, digest and respond to the minutes. Jay suggested the minutes be amended to clarify that Patrick thanked the presenter, as current wording indicated Patrick was thanked for presenting. A motion to accept the minutes with noted corrections was moved by Don Barber and seconded by Dave Starkey and carried.

Treasure’ Report
Treasurer Jay Brown, reported an opening balance of $1312.24 and showed in his report that there was a food cost loss of $46 for the October 3rd Meeting. When other adjustments from dues (payment from 4 men), dish washing expenses and interest are calculated, a working balance of $1348.45 remains in the account. A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as given was moved by Mike Hasen, seconded by Jeremy Irwin and carried.

New / Other Business
Item #1: The President thanked the secretary for the circulation of the October Minutes via email and made a suggestion to include both Ivan Scott and Jong Ui to the electronic mailing list.
Item #2: The President thanked the Christmas Turkey Supper committee of Lee Horigan, Jay Brown, Bill Powell and Mike Hasen in advance for volunteering to do this important use.
Item #3: Erik Parker mentioned that there is a supper committee slot open in January and invited the membership to step up and seize the opportunity.
Item #4: A Remembrance Day two minutes of silence was observed in memory of the sacrifices made and freedom won by our soldiers who served. Patrick Horigan read the names of the Olivet New Church soldiers who served in the Great War. Jeremy Irwin was also recognized for his military service.
Item #5: The President honored the memory of Jack McDonald who recently passed into the spiritual world. Jack was a valued member of Sons, long recognized for his quick wit and for his many contributions to the Olivet Society. Jack will be missed for his unique ability to challenge the sons to see issues in the light of his unique perspective.
Item #6 Richard Parker gave a Remembrance Day testimony of his experience with Anzac Day in Millburn Australia. Anzac Day holds special significance for Australians and New Zealanders, as April 25 was the day during Word War I, when thousands of soldiers gave up their lives in defense of all our freedom. These soldiers are remembered on this day for their ultimate sacrifice.
Item #7: John Parker suggested that the minutes should be read in keeping with tradition as some members do not have email and hence did not receive a copy of the minutes.

Upon confirmation, there was no other business, or business arising from the meeting, Patrick Horigan then introduced the guest speaker of the evening, Rev. Jim Cooper who gave a crafted multi-media presentation entitled: Flying

The Main Event.
Rev. Cooper explained that his love for flying came naturally due to the influence of the time and place where he grew up. Bryn Athyn played a large part in the development of modern aviation. Harold Pitcairn was a pioneer in the development of some aeronautics firsts. He held many patents for his engineering work and also developed the Auto Gyro (a hybrid airplane and early helicopter). Additionally, close to Bryn Athyn was the Budd plant which manufactured cargo planes that flew over the houses constantly.

It was only natural that with the sky a buzz with airplanes, Rev. Cooper turned his eyes upwards and sought to fly. Rev. Cooper started out by building and flying R/C Model planes. Rev Cooper brought in samples of a Glider, Wizzard and Fat Lady which he still flies today. According to Rev. Cooper these R/C planes helped to launch the flying career of many Bryn Athyn youths. Some even became airline pilots. Rev. Cooper sought to get his own pilot’s license after flying with Harold Pitcairn in a Grumman American Tiger. Rev Cooper is now a licensed pilot with a license designation Single Engine Land. Rev. Cooper showed videos of take off and landings which illustrated skill and technique of flying and also emphasizes the communication necessary and pilot jargon that must be observed when flying in and out of airports. He also explained that most planes can act as gliders and one of the training exercises is to stop the engine and have the plane fly and even land without power. Rev. Cooper paused to point out a huge no fly zone over the Washington area which stretches a radius of 45 miles and was imposed after 911. All air traffic must be mindful and keep clear of this area or be ready to deal with F15 fighters and the wrath of the US Air Force.

Using pictures and a short video, Rev Cooper illustrated the size, speed, flexibility and performance of general aviation vehicle. These vehicles have a starting price of twenty thousand and up and were typically gliders or small two and four seater crafts. Given the preference, Rev. Cooper indicated he would choose a craft that could deliver 150 horses and be capable of speeds in excess of 150 M.P.H.

Rev. Cooper shared the joy he had flying for the first time with his three year old son Craig. Craig Cooper started logging fight time when he was just three years old and hasn’t stopped since that first day. Today Craig flies an F15 Fighter jet for the US Air Force and has logged 101 combat missions after three tours of duty to the Middle East. Flying comes naturally to young Craig. Even on that very first flight, Craig showed Rev. Cooper some of the things he could do at the controls. After Graduating from the University of Maryland in June 1998 Craig was selected for the Pilot/WSO Training Program. Rev. Cooper felt proud the day Craig graduated, but was even more excited about sitting in the cockpit of Craig’s F15 Fighter. At that time Craig’s name was not on the Fighter but Craig knew one day he would have his very own fighter. Today, Craig is ranked Major Assistant Squadron Commander with his name inscribed on his own F15 fighter jet.

Conclusion –It started with model planes and the desire to fly which has led to the love of flying. Craig inherited this love along with the heritage of a long military tradition from his mother’s side and merged two loves to create a unique use. This use is that of serving one‘s country, protecting all that is dear to the land, its people and its church. For these things, no father could be more proud!

Rev. Jim Cooper answered many questions and participated in varied discussions following his presentation. Patrick Horigan Thanked Rev. Jim Cooper for his presentation followed by a round of applause by the membership. The meeting drew to a conclusion at 10:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted
John Reid.

Minutes of October 3, 2008

Thirteen men gathered for a meal prepared by Erik Parker and Bill Powell. The president called the meeting to order at 8:25 PM then welcomed the members and thanked the supper committee. The secretary read the objects of the club followed by the minutes of the June and September meetings. Two corrections were noted. First, the phrase Middle Conscience middle was replaced with Moral. Second Roger Schnarr title as assistant treasurer should be change to Treasurer Support with signing authority. A motion to accept the minutes with noted corrections was moved seconded and carried.

Treasure’ Report
Treasurer Jay Brown reported an opening balance of $1120.47 When the adjustments from dues (payment from 9 men), contributions , food costs, dish washing expenses and interest are calculate, a working balance of 1312.21 remains in the account. A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as given was moved by Mike Hasen , seconded by Lee Horigan and carried.

New / Other Business
Item #1: A member wanted it noted that Mike Morton’s presentation at the last son’s meeting was more of and interactive seminar which debunked some of the myths or misconceptions of a public servant.
Item #2: At the request of the Principal, It was decided that the sons would purchase and donate a bench to the Olivet New Church School. The budget for this expenditure was set to between $200 to $300.
Item #3: Minutes should be circulated via email to son’s members prior to meeting
Item #4 The president will review minutes for errors and omissions before wide circulation
Item #4: Next Meeting November 14, 2008
Item #5: Son’s Ladies Night date is April 18, 2009
Item #6: Christmas Supper committee will be comprised of Lee Horigan, Jay Brown and Bill Powell

Upon confirmation there was no other business, or business arising from the meeting, Patrick Horigan then introduced the guest speaker of the evening, Don Barber who presented a paper entitled: Martyrdom

The Main Event.
Mr. Barber opened his talk with a joke. As awash was the word of the evening he joked his presentation would be awash with words. Mr. Barber showed and compared the differences by definition between Christian Martyrs and Muslim –Jihad Martyrs.

A Christian Martyr is one who is murdered or put to death for his Christian faith or beliefs and for his convictions. Such deaths are usually very cruel and may involve stoning, crucifixion or burning at the stake. Jesus Christ is the definitive example of a martyr he who fought the great fight to the bitter end. – As a historic significance, St. Stephen was the 1st Martyr who was killed for his beliers in Jesus as the savior. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is a modern example of a martyr who is remembered today for his fight against racial injustice. Martyrs are often revered and their relics are kept as mementos. To date there are over 70 million Christian martyrs

Mr. Barber showed that Jihad Martyr extremists differ somewhat form Christians Martyrs. Their views as follows: You should yearn for an honorable death and you will gain perfect happiness. All Muslims must and have an obligation to Allah to practice Jihad. Allah will honor the fighters with splendid rewards. The messenger of Allah, peace be unto him the first to be forgiven. A sacred crown of dignity shall be placed upon his head. He is wedded to 72 of the women of heaven and can intercede for up to 70 of his relatives.

Mr. Barber pointed out that Jihad is a term that means struggle. Not a struggle to give up one’s life that is to die, but to change the life we live. In conclusion Mr. Barber showed from the writing God’s loving nature which is in opposition to every kind of evil. We read – The Nature of God is such that He love everyone outside of himself and desires to be one with us and to make us happy from himself. (TCR43) Additionally, God wants us to be happy and wants us to have conjunction with him – Lastly, from Devine Providence, God cannot punish or curse people as it is contraire to his divine love and Wisdom.

President Patrick Horigan was thanked by the membership for the presentation and much discussion followed. The meeting drew to a conclusion at 9:58 PM.

Respectfully submitted
John Reid.

Link to more information on Jihad